Rakhi SMS: Send the latest Rakhi SMS to your brother and sister

Rakhi SMS: Here we are sharing Rakhi SMS. As we know that Rakhi is a very famous festival for all Hindus so people search Latest Rakhi SMS. Raksha Bandhan is a symbol of love between brother and sister. Raksha Bandhan is celebrated every year on Poornima of Saavan. Some brothers and sisters are not able to celebrate Rakhi because they are lived so far from each other so they are looking for Best Rakhi SMS to wish rakhi to each other and they Send Rakhi SMS to each other.

So you are read here Rakhi SMS. In this article, we provide the best rakhi SMS, Rakhi SMS, Latest Rakhi SMS, Rakhi SMS for brother, Rakhi SMS for sister, Rakhi SMS for brother in English, Rakhi SMS for brother in Hindi, Raksha Bandhan SMS, and Rakhi Messages.

Latest Rakhi SMS to your brother and sister

R@ksh@ b@ndh@n k@ tyoh@r h@i

H@r t@r@f khusiyon ki boch@@r h@i
B@ndh@ Ek dh@ge mein
Bh@i-Bh@in k@ py@r h@i.

best rakhi SMS, Rakhi SMS, Latest Rakhi SMS, Rakhi SMS for brother, Rakhi SMS for sister, Rakhi SMS for brother in English, Rakhi SMS for brother in Hindi, Raksha Bandhan SMS, Rakhi Messages

Kaamyabi tumhare kadam chume,
Khushiyan tumhare charo aur ho,
Par bhagwan se itni prarthana karne ke liye,
tum mujhe kuch to commission do!
To my extremely lovable (but kanjoos) brother…
Just kidding as always.
“Happy Raksha Bandhan.”

U know d@t u r d@ most precious stone
in d@ collection of my secret tre@sure..
Wishing u very H@ppy R@khi &
best of luck 4 everything.

Sorry for const@ntly m@king you cry.
But I love you very much.
Whenever I m@ke @ a conscious effort not to m@ke you feel s@d,
I do so @nd end up m@king you @ngry @nd frustr@ted.
You @re my soul @nd everything in my life depends on your h@ppy life.
M@y you le@d @ worthy life.
Love you forever !! H@ppy R@ksh@ B@ndh@ Sister !!

When the world goes d@rk,
St@rs @re there…
When the journey bre@ks up,
Hope is there…
When the entire world is v@nished,
@nd you feel left @lone…
Tilt your he@d @nd look beside you,
It will bring you comfort feeling of
C@re @nd @ffection molds on you,
@s your Brother is @lw@ys beside you
To pour the speci@l love @nd @ffection forever.

You were @lw@ys my best friend,
looking out for me
m@king sure the p@th I tr@veled on
w@s smooth.
Even if I se@rched the world over
there c@nnot be @ better brother th@n you.
Wishing You Life’s Best @lw@ys.
H@ppy R@ksh@ B@ndh@HindustanAdmin

Brothers @re like streetlights @long the ro@d
they don’t m@ke dist@nce @ny shorter but they
light up the p@th @nd m@ke the w@lk worthwhile
H@ppy R@khi B@ndh@n my bro.

U know d@t u r d@ most precious stone
in d@ collection of my secret tre@sure.
Wishing u very H@ppy R@khi &
best of luck 4 everything.

best rakhi SMS, Rakhi SMS, Latest Rakhi SMS, Rakhi SMS for brother, Rakhi SMS for sister, Rakhi SMS for brother in English, Rakhi SMS for brother in Hindi, Raksha Bandhan SMS, Rakhi Messages

R@khi is just @n excuse
for me to express myself:
You me@n the world to me.
H@ppy R@ksh@ B@ndh@n to
My sweet sister
We were @lw@ys close, looking out for e@ch other even when life led us @long different p@ths… Like @n invisible thre@d, our love binds us together, m@king sure we’ll remember where we c@me from @nd wh@t we me@n to e@ch other.

Wishing you @ joyous R@ksh@ B@ndh@n, De@r Brother.

The loving occ@sion of R@ksh@ B@ndh@n is the best time Brother, to reminisce fondly the wonderful moment we h@ve spent together, sh@ring e@ch other’s joys @nd sorrows… Th@nks for spre@ding smiles everywhere @nd m@king life so be@utiful, me@ningful @nd H@ppy… My De@r Brother

I re@lly enjoyed the moments of R@khi,
I swe@r th@t the promises I m@de to you will be fulfilled @ll my life,
till my l@st bre@th,
my respect to Jiju will rem@in unch@nged forever.
Th@nks & Reg@rds

If one d@y you feel like CRYING…
C@ll me!
I promise th@t I will m@ke you L@UGH.
If one d@y you w@nt to RUN @W@Y due to problems…
Don’t be @fr@id to c@ll me!
I promise th@t I will motiv@te you to FIGHT @g@inst worries.
@nd If one d@y you don’t w@nt to LISTEN to @nyone…
C@ll me!
I promise to be there for you, @nd to listen to you VERY QUIET.
@nd whenever you need me, but c@n’t even spe@k, Simply whisper in your he@rt,
I will be right there – Just before you…
My he@rtiest wishes to the most Lovely sister on the pl@net “The E@rth”.
H@ppy R@ksh@ B@ndh@n !!

Within this small interval of time, you become part of my life.
As my dearest friend,
as my loving sister to share everything.
My heart is full of rakhi wishes to you…
With lots of love

This is to a brother who has stayed with me since I was born and has made my every wish come true. May you always be happy and get all that you aspire for in life. Happy Raksha Bandhan!

This one goes for my kid brother who is a little naughty and mischievous; still I wholesomely enjoy his every fun antic. May you do well and achieve success and prosperity always. Happy Rakhi!

Those days of toddlerhood, That mischief of childhood. Those study sessions during adolescence, I still miss your precious presence. Happy Rakhi, brother!

As the winds carry this message to you, Hope you got my Rakhi fresh as dew. With every sunrise there is dawn, I remember our games in the lawn. Happy Raksha Bandhan, bro!

As kids we were innocent, Now those days are spent. Let’s begin a new fun chapter, Happy Rakhi, my beloved sister!

Brothers are like streetlights along the road,
they don’t make distance any shorter,
but they light up the path and make the walk worthwhile.”

Kya Bataoo Yaaro
Meri Kismat Ki Kahani
Kuch Is tarah Likhi Gai
Jin Hatho Se Gulab Dena Chahta Tha
Unhi hatho me vo Rakhi Bandhkar Chali Gai.

During this festival of bonding and renewing our love for siblings,
I want to tell you that during the times we fought,
my love was in a different mood.
Happy Raksha Bandhan!

The loving occasion of Raksha Bandhan is the best time Brother,
to reminisce fondly on the wonderful moment we have spent together,
sharing each other’s joys and sorrows…
Thanks for spreading smiles everywhere and making life so beautiful,
meaningful and Happy… My Dear Brother

My brother is Miles away,
Where I cannot see his smile,
Where I cannot laugh with him,
Where I cannot hold him in my arms,
Yet he is ever in my thoughts and smiles
Happy Rakhi, my dearest brother

Dear brother,
today is Raksha Bandhan
and u r not here by my side.
but we r close in each other’s thoughts
and my love will always be with u.
I love u & missin you…
Happy Rakshan Bandhan bro

Like an invisible thread
Our love binds us together
Make sure we’ll remember
Where we came from and
What we mean to each other.
Wishing you a joyous Raksha Bandhan

A Sister is some1 who is caring & sharing.
Sister can understand things u never said.
She can understand pain, which is not visible 2 any1.
I luv my sister.
Rakhi Greetings & Best Wishes to You.

Thanks, dear Bhaiya
for your warmth and affection
ur understanding
May our bond of love remain forever.

You are the person who holds me in my bad times,
you are the person who dances with me in my happiness.
I can’t recall even a single day when you were absent from my life.
I really love you.” Happy Rakhi Bro
Rakhi SMS: Send the latest Rakhi SMS to your brother and sister

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