Development of Modern Indian Theater

Development of Modern Indian Theater Modern Indian Theatre, as we know it today, has a legacy that is influenced by and draws inspiration from various sources. Modern theatre or historically, what can be clearly identified as the Western Proscenium Style of the theatre was not introduced in India before the late 18th century at the … Read more

Emergence Dance in India

Emergence Dance in India In India, dance is considered to be divine in origin. The Gods and Goddesses not only take great delight in dance, drama and mime, but many are great dancers themselves. Shiva’s cosmic dance, Tandava is believed to encompass creation, preservation and destruction and this idea has been embedded in Hindu thought … Read more

Development of Mathura School of art in post-Mauryan age

Development of Mathura School of art in post-Mauryan age Mathura School of Art The Origin of Mathura art form is traced back to 2nd century BC. The influence on this art form was a mixed one. All the three main religion of this time i.e. Buddhism, Jainism and Brahmanism influenced this art form in one … Read more

Crafts, Arts and Architecture in Mauryan Empire

Crafts, Arts and Architecture in Mauryan Empire Crafts, Arts and Architecture in Mauryan Empire Crafts and Industries Cotton fabrics were made at Madhura, Aparanta, Kalinga, Kashi, Vanga, vatsa and Mahisa. Vanga (East Bengal), Pundra (West Bengal) and Suvernakudya (in Assam) was famous for white and soft textile. Dukula, Kashi and Pundra were noted for linen … Read more

Development of Rajput Art and Jaina Art in India

Development of Rajput Art and Jaina Art in India Development of  Rajput Art and Jaina Art in India, Jaina Art, Rajput Art, Features of Jaina Art, Features of Rajput Art Development of  Rajput Art and Jaina Art in India  Jaina Art The contribution of Jaina art to the mainstream art in India has been considerable. … Read more

Development of Indo-Islamic Art and Architecture in India

Development of Indo-Islamic Art and Architecture in India The beginning of Islamic architecture is the tale of the Muslim invasion in India which to a great extent reshaped the whole architectural element of India. The earliest attack in India took place in the 8th century, when much of the lower Indus territories came under the … Read more

Rashtrakuta’s great patrons of Art and architecture

Rashtrakuta’s great patrons of Art and architecture Rashtrakuta’s great patrons of Art and architecture, Features of Rashtrakuta’s Art, The Kailasha Temple, The Cave Temple Rashtrakuta’s great patrons of Art and architecture The rulers of Rashtrakuta dynasty were great patrons of art and architecture and were great builders and a half century of the Rashtrakuta rule, … Read more

Rajasthan Art and its Important Temples

Rajasthan Art and its Important Temples Rajasthan Art and its Important Temples, Features of Rajasthan Art, Dilwara Temple at mount Abu,Jain Temple at mount Abu,Vimala Vasahi Temple,Tejapala Temple Rajasthan Art and its Important Temple The Rajasthan architecture significantly depended on the Rajput architecture school which was a mixture of the Mughal and the Hindu structural … Read more

Post-Mauryan Art, Sunga and Kanva Art, Satavahana Art, Amaravati Art, kushana Art, Gandhara School of Art, Mathura School of Art

Post-Mauryan Art Post-Mauryan Art, Sunga and Kanva Art, Satavahana Art, Amaravati Art, kushana Art, Gandhara School of Art, Mathura School of Art Sunga and Kanva Art During the rule of the Kanva and the Sunga dynasty, a plenty of cave-temples, chaityas and stupas were built. The stupas of Bharhut, Bodhgaya and Sanchi and the amazing … Read more

Pallava Architecture and Important Pallava Temples

Pallava Architecture and Important Pallava Temples  Mandagappattu Temple,Kailasanatha of Kanchipuram,Vaikuntha Perumal Temple, The Seven Pagodas,Pallava Art and Important Pallava Temples Pallava Architecture and Important Pallava Temples The Pallava architecture is known for their four specific styles 1. Mahendra Style: The influence of the cave style of architecture is to be seen in an ancient pillar … Read more